Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My friend Sue, Bill, Suzanne and........

I've lost some friends over the past few years & I think I started this for them & for me, to process the loss of life. All were spirited, brilliant, loyal, artistic, sensitive, AND struggling with mental illness to one degree or another, like me. They lived life maybe too HARD or too SOFT, it's hard to tell. One self medicated with booze, smokes & naturopathic's, (nice combo), one gave up all that & died in her mid 70's from a brain tumor & cancer two weeks after she found out about said illnesses & my dear dear Sue died at 50 after about 15 years of PURE HELL within the mental health care system. That's a whole

I feel in some ways I've been 'lucky'. I've had the $$$ to be in therapy since sixteen with women who knew & know their craft well & I've been a dogged & screaming banchi to survive & yes, self medicated in ALL kinds of ways to survive. I finally got the medicine I needed in my mid-thirties & GOD only knows how I hung on that long. So that's a start. More later...........

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